
Uncover an unparalleled solution for effortless audio and video downloads powered by YT-DLX - An advanced (command-line + Node.js + Streaming) tool meticulously designed for avid enthusiasts. YT-DLX stands out as a feature-rich advanced package built upon the foundation of (Youtube-DL & Python yt-dlx), consistently evolving with state-of-the-art functionalities.

Viewing YtDlx.ytSearch.Playlist.Single()

yt-dlx accommodates various node.js coding flavours! (typescript), (commonjs), and (esm), ensuring 100% compatibility and comprehensive type safety coverage.

  • Extracts metadata for videos in a YouTube playlist.
  • @param query - The YouTube playlist URL or ID for which to extract metadata.
  • @returns A Promise that resolves with the metadata of videos in the playlist.
  • @throws An error if the playlist link is incorrect or if unable to get a response.


A superset of JavaScript that adds optional static typing and other features to enhance code maintainability and scalability. It compiles down to plain JavaScript and is widely adopted for large-scale applications due to its ability to catch errors during development.
import ytdlx from "yt-dlx";



A versatile, high-level programming language primarily used for web development, enabling dynamic and interactive content on websites. It's supported by all modern web browsers and can be used for both front-end and back-end development.
const ytdlx = require("yt-dlx");



The standardized specification for JavaScript, defining the syntax, semantics, and behavior of the language. JavaScript is the most popular implementation of ECMAScript, and new versions are regularly released to add features and improve the language.
import ytdlx from "yt-dlx";